DMS Staff
Erin Bury - Counselor
Education: M.S. in Professional School Counseling from Angelo State University with a certificate in Academic Advising
Experience: I taught for 7 1/2 years! (All 7 1/2 years at DMS, two years as reading/enhanced math and then 5 years as 7/8 Social Studies and I loved it!)
What I love about School Counseling: What I love about counseling is that I have an opportunity to be a part of the lives of so many children and really make an impact on the future. It is very humbling!
Fun Fact: I LOVE to travel! I have hiked and camped along the Inca trail making my way to Machu Picchu, I took the 101 and drove all along the Pacific Coast on a road trip from Seattle to San Diego, and I camped in the Appalachian Mountains and Smoky Mountains.
Ana De Luna - SOC Secretary
Department: Main Office
Education: I graduated from Southwest HS in 2003, then got my Associates in Applied Science for Computer Network Systems at ITT in 2005. I later went back to school in 2018 to Tarrant County College and got an Associate of Arts 2020. I am currently working on my Bachelor's degree in General Studies at UTA.
Experience: I have been a school secretary for 12 years now, but I started as a Cafeteria Monitor, then Teaching Assistant before going to do the job I love most!
What I love about DMS: The family feeling we have at DMS. Everyone is welcoming, and the parents have become my personal friends. The kids are wonderful and happy to be here. I also love that I have been able to see my own children go through school here.
Fun Facts: PTA President 22-23! I love singing. I used to be the lead singer in a Mariachi band and love all things Selena!
Main Office
Trista Bachand - Nurse
Department: Health Services Dept. – Nurses Office. I have been a nurse for 13 years and started my career on a cardiac care unit, followed by clinical research and last year (2017-18) joined DMS as a school nurse.
Why I love DMS: I enjoy being part of the DMS family and having the opportunity to care for our students. I love getting to know students and having an opportunity to educate them about healthy practices and choices.
Fun Facts: I am married and have two wonderful daughters. I love spending time with my family especially when we get the chance to go to the beach. I would love to surf one day!
Main Office
Laura Garza - Financial Secretary
Department: Main Office - Financial Secretary
Why I Love DMS: The creativity we all bring to our atmosphere. Creating as one body a safe and positive learning setting for our future leaders. The Montessori Education has taken each child and transformed them into a unique person and when those students come back to share their accomplishment it brings a joy to my heart to know that our DMS family had a part in that.
Fun Fact: I have 5 children all grown and graduated. One granddaughter(Haleijah) and three grandsons( Jayzzal, Elijah, and Isaiah) who I think I love more than my own grown kids. I married my high school (Paschal) sweetheart (Erick). I’m currently a TCC student aiming for my Associate Degree. I’ve always wanted to go skydiving. This is my 21st year here at Daggett Montessori.
Main Office
Samuel Hugie - Campus Monitor
Main Office
Kristi Stevens - Librarian
Education: I have a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from University of Texas at Arlington and a Master's in Library Information Systems from Texas Woman's University.
Experience: I began my career as a second-grade teacher at WJ Turner in FWISD. I taught there for 3 years before teaching third grade for seven years. I became a librarian in 2007 and have loved it ever since.
Why I Teach: Being able to see the enjoyment of students when they find the right book or helping them become effective users of information is the reason I am a librarian.
Fun Fact: I have two sweet dogs named Layla and River.
Phone: 817-814-6323
Cafe Manager
Department: Cafeteria
Why I love DMS:
Fun Facts:
DMS Cafe
Nuvia Quintero - Cafe Staff
Elder Reyes - Head Custodian
Head Custodian
Carlos Herrera - Custodian