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Erin Bury, DMS Counselor (K-8)

  M.S. in Professional School Counseling from Angelo State University with a certificate in Academic Advising

Experience:  I taught for 7 1/2 years! (All 7 1/2 years at DMS, two years as reading/enhanced math and then 5 years as 7/8 Social Studies and I loved it!)

What I love about School Counseling:  What I love about counseling is that I have an opportunity to be a part of the lives of so many children and really make an impact on the future. It is very humbling!

Fun Fact: I LOVE to travel! I have hiked and camped along the Inca trail making my way to Machu Picchu, I took the 101 and drove all along the Pacific Coast on a road trip from Seattle to San Diego, and I camped in the Appalachian Mountains and Smoky Mountains.